Biden Speaks on US Relations with Russia
Lesson Brief
BBC Russian
US Vice-president Joe Biden spoke on the state of US-Russia relations at The Brookings Institution in Washington, DC on Wednesday. He emphasized that the White House is not seeking for Vladimir Putin's resignation, but would like to see more rational actions coming from the Kremlin. He also stated that the US government is still looking into the prospect of providing defensive weapons to the Ukrainian military.
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- point of view
- точка зрения
- to expose, subject to
- подвергать, подвергнуть
- Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Объединенный комитет начальников штабов
- to impose upon
- наложить
- to secure, enlist, obtain
- заручаться, заручиться
- delivery
- поставка
- however
- однако
- self-declared
- самопровозглашенный
- to belittle, abase
- унижать, унизить
- imposed
- наложенный