Berry picking in the Golan

Lesson Brief Katif-Atzmi
The Golan Heights is a unique region of Israel, which was captured in the 1967 war. Due to its unique climate and low humidity, the region is ideal for agriculture and many Israelis flock there for weekend getaways or other excursions, such as berry and fruit picking. In this set, you will prepare to read a brief informational web page about berry and fruit picking in the Golan and listen to the attached Israeli news broadcast about the experience. Suggested Set: High-tech dairy farm Video Vocabulary:
שִׂיחַ Bush, shrub תּוּתִים strawberries
בּוּסתָן orchard תתי סוגים Sub types
פירות טעימים Tasty fruits למי זה מיועד Who’s it for
אם שווה לכם If it’s worth it גַרגְרָן A glutton
מקומות בודדים Isolated places שתילים seedlings
תַחֲרוּת competition
לקלוט כולם To take in everyone
להתמזל , מתמזל To get lucky
חדר החדשות צפון

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