Avigdor Lieberman Brings Parties Together
Lesson Brief
On January 15th, NRG reported on Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman's recent address to the press regarding his political party Yisrael Beiteinu's corruption investigation and his aspirations for 16 parliament seats. The new party's list is young and will run under a slogan that supports population exchange, an idea that Lieberman has been promoting for several years. Lieberman noted that his party will operate according to the fundamentals of government, and that they will not go along with Netanyahu's, Bennett's, and the Hareidim's agreement to cancel the law of equal burden that would require ultra-orthodox Jews to serve in the army.
Click and Match
- to be found guilty
- להימצא אשם, נמצא
- to address the matter
- להתייחס לפרשה, מתייחס
- end of the election campaign
- תום מערכת הבחירות
- fundamentals, basics
- קווי יסוד
- to grow
- לגדל, מגדל
- young and new
- צעיר וחדש
- to fail in the peace talks
- לקרוס בשיחות השלום, קורס
- to declare
- להצהיר, מצהיר
- to instruct all the people
- להנחות את כל האנשים, מנחה
- selecting the candidates
- מיון המועמדים