Audio Drill: Tunisia tops press freedom index in the Middle East

Lesson Brief Al Jazeera
A recent Reporters Without Borders report indicated that Tunisia topped the list of Middle Eastern countries with the most press freedom. At the bottom of the list was Egypt, which has seen a steady decline in press freedom since the end of the Mubarak era. Overall, the report provided a bleak outlook of press freedom in the Middle East, citing numerous violations and government efforts to shape the media and silent dissent. This is a very difficult set and we recommend listening to the video more than once. Additionally, by clicking the Read the Article button you will be taken to a version of the video report with Arabic subtitles to help you follow along. Additional Vocabulary:
عنوان ، عناوين Title(s) السلطات authorities
الصادرعن Issued by بذريعة Under the pretext of
منظمة ، منظمات Organization(s) الحال في The case in
وفقا للتقرير According to the report غالبا Often, frequently
مقارنة به Compared to تبدو موريتانيا Mauritania appears
بالنظر الى considering حَصَلَتْ على ، تَحْصُل على To receive, obtain (f)
المؤشرات الإقليمية The regional indicators على التوالي Consecutively
ُوَصَفَتْ ، تَصِف To describe (f) تعد تونس Tunisia is considered
الحريات freedoms وسيلة لوقفها A way to stop it
اداة لرصد A tool to monitor انتهاكات violations
Al Jazeera

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