Audio Drill: How to make Maqluba
Lesson Brief
صحه - جمال - اعشاب - طبخ
In this audio set, you will prepare to listen to an instructional video on how to make the Middle Eastern dish known as Maqluba. The dish is called Maqluba because after all the ingredients have been prepared and layered in a large pot, you flip the pot over onto a dish and serve the meal upside down. Maqluba is a traditional Palestinian dish and is pronounced Maqlubeh in the Palestinian dialect.
Click and Match
- then we put
- ثم نضع
- it depends on
- تعتمد على
- to fade, wither
- ُذَبَلَ ، يَذْبُل
- it contains the bone
- تحتوي على العظم
- to secure gently
- ُرَسَخَ براحة ، يَرْسُخ
- to mix all of the ingredients
- ُمَزَجَ جميع البهارات ، يَمْزُج
- sliced, cut into slices
- مقطعة إلى شرائح
- to leave on the flame
- ُتَرَكَ على النار ، يَتْرُك
- cinammon
- قرفة
- to warm
- اَدْفَئ ، يُدْفِئ