Attack on Coptic cathedral
Lesson Brief
Times of Israel
On November 12, 25 people were killed when a bomb went off in St. Mark's Coptic Cathedral in Cairo. The bomb was reportedly planted in a suitcase by a woman who then fled the scene and detonated the bomb remotely. The attack on Egypt's Christian minority has led to a flare in tensions between Christians and Muslims, with many Copts blaming the security forces for not properly securing the church. At the same time, religious clerics from both faiths strongly condemned the attack.
Suggested Set: Egyptian President Attends Coptic Christmas
Additional Vocabulary:
كاتدرائية | cathedral | على نطاق واسع | widely |
الهجوم | The attack | بانتظام | regularly |
مسؤولون امنيون | Security officials | التعاون مع | Cooperating with |
ناجم عن | Resulted from | جريمة كبرى | A major crime |
مادة | material | الشفاء العاجل | Speedy recovery |
المستشفيات القريبة | Nearby hospitals | النسيج الوطني | The national fabric |
مش رخيص | Not cheap | المواطنين اﻻبرياء | Innocent civilians |
ممارسة التعذيب | The practice of torture |
Click and Match
- places of worship
- دور العبادة
- they shouted
- رددوا / صاحوا
- the vile bombing
- التفجير الخسيس
- an unjust/oppressive segment
- فئة باغية
- minister of torture
- وزير التعذيب
- cowardly
- جبان
- the explosion
- الانفجار
- the victims and the injured
- الضحايا والمصابين
- against prisoners
- ضد السجناء
- heavenly religions
- الديانات السماوية