Attack at Israeli Gay Pride Parade
Lesson Brief
Israeli news sources reported yesterday that a repeat offender and member of the Haredi Jewish sect stabbed at least six people at a gay pride parade in Jerusalem. The man executed a similar attack 10 years ago and was recently released from prison.
Set Notes
This article features a few noteworthy idioms, word combos, and vocabulary words that are listed below:
- הכתובת הייתה על הקיר - the writing was on the wall
- פשע שנאה - hate crime
- לעורר שאלות - to raise questions
- The article uses the word זְמָם for plot or scheme, but some other possibilities that can mean the same thing are עֲלִילָה and מְזִמָה
- The article also uses עוֹרֵך דִין for lawyer, but you can also use בָּא כֹּחַ in some instances. עוֹרֵך דִין is often abbreviated with עו'ד
עתיד | עבר | הווה | ||
אוּרְשַׁע | הוּרְשַׁעְתִי | אֲנִי | מוּרְשָׁע | יחיד |
תוּרְשַׁע | הוּרְשַׁעְתָ | אַתָה | מוּרְשַׁעַת | יחידה |
תוּרְשְׁעִי | הוּרְשַׁעַתְ | אַת | מוּרְשָׁעִם | רבים |
יוּרְשַׁע | הוּרְשַׁע | הוּא | מוּרְשָׁעוֹת | רבוֹת |
תוּרְשַׁע | הוּרְשְׁעָה | הִיא | ||
נוּרְשַׁע | הוּרְשַׁעְנוּ | אֲנַחנוּ | ||
תוּרְשְׁעוּ | הוּרְשַׁעְתֶם/ן | אַתֶם/ן | ||
יוּרְשְׁעוּ | הוּרְשְׁעוּ | הֵם/ן |