Assad Makes Ridiculous Comments
Lesson Brief
An Nahar
On March 5, An Nahar reported on comments recently made by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to the media. Assad asked the media rhetorically how it would be possible for him, perceived as a dictator who kills his people, to endure for four years since the beginning of the war with the West and other forces aligned against him. He said he must either be "Superman" or that he enjoys the support of the Syrian people. Social media has had a lot of fun with his Superman comparison. First, however, the article reported on an attack at an air force intelligence post in Aleppo. (The video translates his remarks slightly differently than the article itself).
Click and Match
- regime forces
- قوات نظامية
- followed by an attack (lit. an attack followed it)
- أعقبه هجوم
- financial interests
- مصالح مالية
- (here) to prompt, to push, to drive
- دَفَعَ ، يَدْفَعُ
- replacing, substituting
- استبدال
- (here) about, referring to
- عن
- to fail
- فَشِلَ ، يَفْشَلُ
- to collapse, to come to an end
- انْهارَ ، يَنْهارُ
- to fall, to drop
- سَقَطَ ، يَسقُطُ
- wide segment
- شريحة واسعة