Algeria Arrests Syrians Accused of Being from ISIS
Lesson Brief
Al Sharq Al Awsat
Algerian security forces announced that they have detained more than a hundred Syrian, including women and children, claimed to have infiltrated the country to carry out operations on behalf of ISIS. Officials alleged that some of the detainees confessed that ISIS members were seeking to strike southern Europe.
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- ادانَ ، يَدينُ بِه
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- شَكَّلَ ، يُشَكِّلُ
- suspected of
- يَشْتَبِه في
- investigation, interogation
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- crossing into, extending to
- مُرورًا بِه
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- مَدْعوم مِن
- investigations
- التَّحَرِّيات
- the case
- القَضِيَّة
- to intend, to plan
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