Aleppo Suburbs Change Hands in Heavy Fighting

Lesson Brief An Nahar
On January 8th, An Nahar, citing several news sources and the Syrian Human Rights Observatory, reported that Nusra Front forces were able to seize large areas of Nubbul and Al Zahra, two suburbs of the northern Syrian city of Aleppo. Shortly after, however, regime defense forces and local militias were able to repel further advances and reclaim much of the area lost. The voice in the video says: "اشتباكات بين الثوار واعصابات الآسد في بلدتين النبل والزهراء" meaning, 'clashes between the revolutionaries and Al Assad's gangs in the towns of Nubbul and Al Zahra.' The towns around Aleppo are considered critical to regime and opposition forces alike.

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