A Wave of Haredi Protests
Lesson Brief
A wave of protests by massive groups of ultra-orthodox Jews, known as Haredim, recently exploded across Israel. The protests resulted from the arrest of a young Haredi student who failed to show up at an army recruiting center at his designated time. The riots throughout the country blocked major thoroughfares and led to clashes between Israeli police and the protestors. Large portions of the Haredi population in Israel oppose serving in the Israeli army, believing that their sole role in the state is to study Torah.
Suggested Set: Haredim Protest Military Conscription
Video Vocabulary:
גל הפגנות | Wave of demonstrations | קנאים ביותר | The most zealous |
הכי עמוס | (here) most busy, burdened, crowded | סירב להתייצב | He failed to appear |
צומת | junction | לשכת הגיוס | Recruitment office |
משותקת | Paralyzed (f) | חלילה | Heaven forbid |
לא נרכין ראש | We will not bow our heads | דחיית שירות | deferment |
לא נעמוד מן הצד | We will not stand by | עוון | Sin, offense, crime |
לא נבגוד | We will not betray | בעל כורחו | Reluctantly |
מנהיג הפלג | Leader of the sect | מצפונם | Their conscience |
פרשים | Horsemen | צינורי מים | Water hoses |
לפזר , מפזר | To disperse | לזהות , מזהה | To identify |
מצויד ב | Equipped with | ייעוץ וסיוע | Advice and assistance |
לקבל מכות | To be beaten | לסקול , סוקל | To stone |
כתב אישום | Indictment | פְּרַקְלִיט | (here) state attorney |
בתי המדרש | Seminaries |
Click and Match
- various locations
- מוקדים שונים
- the right, freedom to protest
- חופש המחאה
- no relief
- שום הקלה
- to prepare for
- להתכונן ל , מתכונן ל
- (here) to protest against
- להתריס , מתריס
- a junction
- מֶחְלָף
- deserter, defector
- עריק
- incitement, inflammatory statements
- דברי ההסתה
- to occur, they will occur
- להתקיים , יִתְקַיְּימוּ
- arrests are expected
- צפויים להתבצע מעצרים