A Muslim-Jewish Love Story Stirs Controversy in Egypt and Israel
Lesson Brief
On June 25, various Arabic media outlets reported on the new Egyptian series "The Jewish Quarter" that launched during Ramadan. The show has stirred controversy in Egypt and Israel for its portrayal of a Jewish family in Egypt in 1952. The Jewish heroine of the show is in love with a Muslim-Egyptian soldier fighting Israel. The Israeli embassy in Cairo praised the show after its first episode for its portrayal of Jews but was quick to retract its support after viewing later episodes. On the other hand, Egyptians have been critical of the show, claiming that it portrays Jews as victims and vulnerable.
The video to the right is a news media overview of the show and Israel's reaction. We've also included the movie trailer below. It's very Egyptian dialect-heavy and hard to understand, but try to see what you can pick up....At least it has some epic trailer music!
Please note that the article for this set is no longer active.
Click and Match
- glaring anger
- غَضَب صارخ
- to be based on
- اِسْتَنَدَ على, يَسْتَنِدُ على
- to recount, narrate
- رَوَى , يَرْوِي
- a negative and provocative path
- مسار سلبي و تحريضي
- to broadcast
- ُّبَثَّ, يَبُث
- acts of sabotage and espionage
- أعمال اَلتخرِيب والتجسس
- vulnerable
- مستضعف
- mask, veil
- قناع
- named
- مسمى
- to insult, inflict humiliation
- ألحق الإِهانة به ، يلحق الإهانة به